Wednesday, May 30, 2007

WIP-it Wednesday

Yeah, okay, I changed by Wednesday's a bit....I got to reading too slow. But I will hit you with a double-wammy of what I've been.....

Reading....for the 7 billionth time; the series is just SO GOOD!

Watching.....again, for the 7 billionth time; same reason

Drinking (Muscat Canelli).....okay, slight divergence.

Every year, I attend a family reunion in Fredericksburg, TX in July. We visit, do some shopping, and some of us have begun to do a hike up Enchanted Rock. We also do all of the wineries and I usually come home with 6-8 bottles of wine. I usually try to save it for a nice get-together or when I have had an especially good day. Since these tend to be far and inbetween, most of it is drank in May-July, usually the first one on my birthday. And then we start with a whole new batch of wine in August. So, there you go....

....and a WIP (work-in-progress)

During all of this West Wing watching (say that ten times fast), I did complete 5 of my 12 squares for my Larger than Life Bag.I am horribly off-gauge (adding about 3" length and width-wise), but it's a bag. Plus, by the time I figured it out, the square was already done with ends woven in. That just means I get to carry more crap!

P.S. My last birdie hatched, so all is well on that front. I haven't heard them that often, but I can hear just about as well as I can see. :-P


Tasha said...

ok, see, now I just feel like a loser. I think I need another lesson & some peer pressure.

Very pretty!

elizabeth said...

Love your squares and can't wait to see the finished product.

I love the Outlander series too and was just thinking about starting it again the other day. Sooo romantic....

weezalana said...

Those squares are fanTAStic! Love them! I suddenly feel an urge to learn how to crochet (more than just a wonky chain for a hat tie)...