Let's start with happy news!!!
The Boy found the lost bag of handknits.
There was much rejoicing.
So now he has two. I think I should get to wear one.
Despite my absence from the blog, not much has gone on around here. Work, sleep, knit, eat, knit, read, clean, knit.....
It's that work thing that has gotten me down though. I have a crappy, boring job. Even druing the interview, the guy told me it was boring. Don't get me wrong. I am thankful I HAVE a job and even one that has benefits. But I am determined to have a job that gives me something other than a paycheck. The title of this post has become my mantra lately. Yes, it could be worse......but it needs to get better.
Along the lines of getting things in order, I am in official destash mode. I finally sat down and told myself that I really need to cull things down. I have even gotten very cold-hearted about it. I came home one night and sorted though the yarn, allowing myself to only keep a third of it. One third will be donated and the other third I will be putting up for sale.
I am working on getting pictures and loading up the flickr so keep an eye out. Remember, I'm being cold-hearted. There's cashmere. There's 220. Folks, there's Lorna's. Some of ya'll know how I am about my Lorna's.
There really has been knitting done. I'm currently working on a Haruni shawl out of some yummy Dream in Color Smooshy. I would love to post a picture, but I can't find one that does lace or the color justice. I'm still working on the Tomato and it's almost cool enough that I can knit on it without getting heat stroke. I've done some small spurts cause it just needs a sleeve....that's like 50 rows.
Really ready for cooler weather.....and a new job.......