Sunday, March 04, 2007

What a week, what a week.....

First, let's start with the good parts!! The mailman has been very good to me this week. First, we continue our European tour and arrive in....

....PARIS!!! Ah, the lovely Effiel Tower.....and I was recommended to stop by the La Droguerie for the most amazing buttons, ribbons and yarn. Someday, someday.....

I also got a package from Leigh (aka chemgrrl) in a Random Act of Kindness!!

Check out the loot!

- Two cute postcards

- Knitting magnet ("Sorry I can't go out with you. I have to stay home and knit")

- Cool wrist pocket (Apparently, all the cool chemists are wearing them thing spring)

- Lovely hand lotion sample

- Personalized stitch markers (for the Texas who are wondering, that lovely white stuff is called "snow".)

- A skein of Lorna's Laces in Shepard Sport in Periwinkle, probably to become copycat socks of Leigh's...I love it too much!

- A yummy smelling jar of loose leaf tea, which I have never used before...been looking for the right tea ball. (...and yes, it really is TEA)

- Yummy bag 'o Jolly Ranchers, one of my FAVS!!

- Official Indiana University periodic table and pencil. You can never have too many.

I also felt her to be a kindred spirit when the box that contained the goodies was from Cambridge Isotopes. As long as I am not the only one who steals boxes from work... :-P

And it that wasn't enough, I got my first Rockin' Sock Club package!

Contents include a pattern binder with goodies inside, official button and bumper sticker, emergency sock yarn, and my first skein of Socks that Rock, medium weight, in the Monsoon colorway. I now know why everyone loves this yarn. I immediately cast-on Friday night and the fabric is sooo soft and squishy. Can't wait to finish!

And then, to the not-so-good parts. Finally took my car to the dealer on Saturday and it stayed there why Kerry and I were at Simpatico. When I finally got the call, it was not good news. My O2 sensor went out and I somehow cracked the exhaust manifold, which is attached to the catalytic converter, so I have to replace the whole thing. All in all, $900. Ugh....the only upside is that I haven't dispersed all my tax refund like I was going to.

I wonder if I can knit an exhaust manifold....


Jen Da Purse Ho said...

your STR is freaggin awesome. :) and your gifts are sweet too. :)
sorry about your wonder you looked a bit stressed yesterday. :( hopefuly that's all you will need to do on your car. :(

weezalana said...

Paris. Ah, Paris...

STR. Ah, STR...
