When I began to spin (on a spindle) a few weeks ago, one of the books I picked up was
Spin to Knit, which I love by the way. One thing that completly engrossed me was the sweater made from yarn spin from BeautiCoil. That is that cotton roving looking stuff that hairdressers use during perms, coloring and whatnot. (The same thought acutally came to me at a pedicure a few weeks ago!)

After making a lighter spindle, I began to spin this. Trust me...it requires alot of patience....and then more patience. But, once I got the hang of drafting the small-staple fiber, it became what spinning should be...relaxing.
I know that some spinners here visiting are wondering what my sanity level is, but remember...I am a masochistic craftster...my first knitting project was a pair of socks.
1 comment:
I posted in the RAK TY thread and on my blog, but had to come by and thank you for the wonderful package you sent me! It arrived yesterday - a day when I *really* needed it - and was full of so many fun things! Thank you so much! :)
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